Kada sam prvi put stigao u Englesku i započela život s Mandy, moja tetka, nekoliko godina leđa, Mandy je njegovatelj koji dolaze po danu, kako bi se sa raznim stvarima, kao što je moja tetka je starije i nemoćne osobe. Her carer, Jayde poznanstvo i veze , was GORGEOUS...the best looking woman I personally think is possible;a jaunty little rock chick with long, luxurious hair, and eyes like dark pools, and the prettiest, most attractive face and figure you could ever find. Njezina njegovatelja, Jayde je prekrasna ... najbolje izgleda žena ja osobno mislim da je to moguće; samouvjeren malo rock pile s dugom, luksuzni kosu, a oči tamne poput bazena, i najljepši, najatraktivniji lice i shvatiti što ste ikad mogli pronaći . A few tattoos finished off her exotic little hippy-chick appearance. Nekoliko tetovaže završila off joj egzotične malo hippy-pile izgled. I got very close to her, with her encouragement; she made me feel good, and gave me the impression, [maybe falsely] that she fancied me. Ja sam vrlo blizu je dobio s njom, s njom poticaj, ona je napravio mene osjećaju dobro, i dao mi je dojam, [možda lažno] da mi pričini. A lot of flirting went on, and she'd often take me into fetish-clothing shops or adult bookshops on our walks out together when Mandy was busy. Puno flert otišao na, i ona često bi me uzeti u fetiš-odjeća trgovinama ili odrasla osoba na našim knjižarama izlazi zajedno kad Mandy je bio zauzet. Some people could have seen she was leading me on, but I was too flattered and enamoured to realise. Neki ljudi mogao vidjeti je ona mene vodi, ali ja sam bio polaskan i zaljubljen realizirati.
Being a guy with strong emotions and a highly sensual nature, I realised I was falling for her; but I could do nothing about it, as she was so closely involved with us. Biti čovjek s jakim emocijama i vrlo senzualne prirode, shvatio sam da je padao za nju, ali sam mogao učiniti ništa o tome, kao što je bila tako usko surađivala s nama. She suddenly stopped flirting with me, for no reason I ever discovered; and became much cooler; but by this time I was attached to her, and every meeting we had would put shudders of desire through me; and this situation began to hurt me, because she'd still be flirtatious with other blokes...workmen, people in Mandy's social circle, etc etc...Anyone, it seemed, except me. Ona je iznenada prestala, koketiranje sa mnom, bez ikakvog razloga sam ikada otkrio, a postao je puno hladnije, ali ovaj put sam bio vezan za nju, i svaki sastanak smo imali bi stavili tresu od želje kroz mene, i to stanje je počeo da me ne boli, jer ona još uvijek bih se koketni s ostalim Blokes ... radnika, ljudi u Mandy društveni krug, itd itd. .. Svatko, činilo se, osim mene. Dunno what I'd done to deserve these mind games. Pojma što bih učinio da zaslužujete ove umu igre. She'd even begun to watch my reaction as she flirted with other men, I could tell. Ona je čak bih počeo gledati moje reakcije kao što je koketirao s drugim ljudima, ja mogao reći. Then she'd ask subtle things to suss me out afterward, I could tell, to see what effect it had had on me. Onda ona bi pitati suptilne stvari koje mi suss van poslije, mogao sam reći, da vidi što je učinak imao na mene.
I soon also discovered she wasn't as genuine to me as she pretended, and the shock of discovering her slatings of me behind my back turned my world upside down. Uskoro sam također otkrila da je ne kao pravi za mene kao ona pretvarali, a šok otkrivanja njezina slatings od mene iza mojih leđa okrenuo moj svijet naopačke. I was torn to bits by it; and it caused such intense emotional turmoil for me I went on antidepressants. Bio sam rastrgan na komadiće tako da je, i to zbog takvih intenzivan emocionalni nemir za mene Otišla sam na antidepresivima. Perhaps, I've since wondered, was she a habitual teaser and control freak, and somehow got off on the power of her situation relative to me? Možda, jer sam se pitao, bio je uobičajen teaser i control freak, i nekako sišli na snagu njezine situacije u odnosu na mene? I dunno. Nemam pojma. But she never admitted anything to me...so she was a bone of contention to me for a couple of years afterward, and my memories of her cause even now starkly contrasted feelings of desire and deep lust, but also great anger, about the headgames that went on. Ali ona nikada nije priznala ništa mi ... tako je bila kamen spoticanja za mene za par godina kasnije, i moja sjećanja na nju uzrokovati čak i sada starkly suprotnosti osjećaje želje i duboka požuda, ali i veliki gnjev, o headgames da ode dalje. I think, after the eventual argument her behaviour caused, we'll never speak again, maybe her arrogance is too strong to let her apologise and make up; BUT..there's still several hot sexual memories she's left me with, about her...and this is the first major incident that happened. Mislim da, nakon eventualne argument njeno ponašanje uzrokovano, mi nikada ne ćemo govoriti opet, možda joj arogancija je previše jak da joj se ispričavam i make up, ali .. postoji još nekoliko vruće seksualne uspomene ona mi je s lijeve strane, o njoj .. . i ovo je prvi veliki incident koji se dogodio. If anyone out there has been in any similar strange and grotesque but somehow arousing situations in their life, I'd love to read of it, as I've become interested in the complexity of human relationships, and the mix of pain and pleasure that certain experiences can cause in people. Ako bilo tko vanjska strana ima je u svim sličnim čudnim i groteske, ali nekako uzbuđujuća situacije u svom životu, volio bih čitati o tome, kao što sam postala zainteresirana za kompleksnost ljudskih odnosa, a mješavina boli i užitka koji određena iskustva može izazvati kod ljudi. Anyway, Mandy needed a new computer after a couple of months. U svakom slučaju, Mandy je potrebno novo računalo nakon par mjeseci. So, Jayde got Jim in, a PC tech, [who worked with her company's computers, and was supposed to be good], to get one and set it up for her. Dakle, Jayde dobio Jim u, PC tech, [koji je radio s njom računala tvrtke, i trebao je biti dobra], da bi dobili jedan i postavi ga za nju.
Me, Jayde and Mandy were playing scrabble in the lounge when Jim first turned up at Mandy's house, and he immediately started flirting with Jayde.. Me, Jayde i Mandy bili igranje grebati u dnevnom boravku kada su Jim prvi pretvorila se u Mandy kući, te je odmah počeo koketiranje s Jayde .. suggestive banter and innuendo, which she giggled at, wrinkling her nose like a schoolgirl. sugestivan šala i aluzije, što je ona na giggled, bora joj nos kao učenica. I tried to stop it unsettling me and making me wish I was Jim, getting Jayde's attention in that way.. Pokušao sam zaustaviti to mi je uznemirujuće i što mi je želja bila sam Jim, uzimajući Jayde pozornost na taj način .. but I couldn't help feeling jealous, which I hid as best I could. ali ja ne mogu pomoći osjećaj ljubomoran, koje sam skrivao kao najbolje što sam mogao. Maybe Jayde guessed and enjoyed that, I dunno. Možda Jayde pogađate i uživao u tome, I dunno.
It was the first time I saw her bare feet, too, stranglely enough, when Jim turned up. To je bio prvi put da sam vidio gole noge, također, stranglely dovoljno, kada Jim okrenut gore. [I have a deep fetish for women's feet.] She slipped off her socks after she'd let Jim in, and as she padded around the carpets, getting things for him and showing him into the study, I saw they were gorgeous. [Ja sam duboko fetiš za ženske noge.] Ona je skliznuo off joj čarape nakon što bi neka Jim u, kao i ona podložena oko tepiha, uzimajući stvari za njega i da ga prikazuje u studiju, vidio sam da su prekrasna. My heart was lost to her totally, the moment I saw her shapely feet, with her toerings and ankleband - the most gorgeous little feet I've ever seen. Moje srce je izgubljena joj potpuno, trenutak kada sam vidio simetričan noge, s njom toerings i ankleband - raskošnih malo noge sam ikada vidio. I dunno whether Jayde knew about my secret fetishes, but I knew she'd at least once looked at my websurfing history... Nemam pojma da li Jayde znao moja tajna fetiša, ali znala sam da bih barem jednom pogledao moj websurfing povijest ... and I visited mainly hotwife sites, wife-story sites and foot fetish sites. i posjetio sam uglavnom hotwife stranice, supruga priča mjesta i stopala fetiš sučelja. I dunno if she meant to be teasing me.. Nemam pojma, ako je značilo da se mi dosadan .. .but she was playing up to Jim,too, and flirting back to him, and letting us see her pattering up the loft-ladder in bare feet, and loudly giggling at his suggestive, dirty remarks to her, in front of me and Mandy. . Ali ona je bila igra do Jim, također, i koketiranje natrag k njemu, i što ste nas vidjeti njezine pattering gore u potkrovlju-ljestve na bose noge, i glasno giggling na njegov sugestivan, prljave primjedbe na nju, ispred mene i Mandy .
When I brought Jim and Jayde some coffee in the study, Jim was sat working at the computer, showing her things on it ,etc; and she was knelt down by him, resting her arms up on the desk..and of course, Jim had a good eyeful of her firm cleavage in that position; he could see down her top! Kad sam donio Jim i Jayde kavu u studiju, Jim je bio sub radi na računalu, prikazuje joj stvari na njemu itd, a ona je kleknuo do njega, odmara ruke gore na stol .. i naravno, Jim imao je dobar eyeful za svoju tvrtku cijepanja na toj poziciji, a on je mogao vidjeti dolje joj vrh! She pretended to be all businesslike and normal, but I knew what they were doing.. Ona se pretvarao da sve poslovan i normalno, ali sam znao što su radili .. and I saw the worry on Mandy's face too. i vidio sam brinuti o Mandy lice previše. After a while, it was time for me and Mandy to go out for the afternoon. Nakon nekog vremena, bilo je vrijeme za mene i Mandy izaći za poslijepodne. Jayde had arranged beforehand to stay with Jim and lock up the house when it was her clocking-off time. Jayde je, u dogovoru unaprijed da ostane s Jim i zaključati se u kuću kada je njezin zabilježivši-off vrijeme. I and Mandy wouldn't be back until the evening; and it so irked me to leave her alone with Jim, who obviously would love to have his wicked way with her. Ja i Mandy ne bi se vratiti do večeri, i to tako da mi uznemireni da joj ostaviti nasamo s Jim, koji očito će hatar to imati svoj opaki način s njom. But I had to go, Mandy expected me to. Ali ja sam morao ići, Mandy me očekuje. However, when we got to the cinema, I couldn't relax, wondering what was going on back home. Međutim, kada smo u kino, nisam mogla opustiti, pitajući se što se događa na povratak kući. By chance, Mandy bumped into a friend of hers, and I was able to make a feeble excuse to leave them to chat, and go "for a drink" on my own, and see Mandy back home later. Slučajno, Mandy nabasao na njen prijatelj, a ja sam bio u mogućnosti to učiniti slab izgovor da ih ostaviti na chat, i ići "za piće" na svoje, i pogledajte Mandy kući kasnije. But I didn't go the pub, at all. Ali ja ne ići u pub, uopće. I raced away and jumped in a cab, and told him to take me straight back home! Ja vozio daleko i skočio u kabini, i rekao mu da me odvesti ravno natrag kući! I had to know. Morao sam znati. Even if I could just peep... Čak i ako sam mogao samo proviriti ... poznanstva sa starijim zenama za jednu noc
The curtains were all shut when I got home, and the house was dark, but the study light was on. Zavjese su svi bili zatvorena kad sam doma, i kuća je bila tamna, ali je bio na studiju svjetlo. I sneaked around the back, carefully put my key in the back kitchen door, and sloped into the kitchen. Ja iskrao oko leđa, pažljivo stavio ključ u leđa fronti za kuhinje, i nagnut u kuhinju. They were obviously still in the little study.. Oni su očito još uvijek u malo istraživanje .. and creeping round the door into the hall, I saw the study door was slightly open, and light was streaming through, into the dark hall. i puzanje oko vrata u hodnik, vidio sam studije vrata bila malo otvorena, a svjetlo je struji kroz, u mračnu dvoranu. And...voices. I glasovi .... Jayde's voice, and Jim's voice. Jayde glas, i Jim glas. Jayde's voice was squeaking and sighing, and Jim's voice grunting. Jayde je glas bio squeaking i uzdišući, a Jim je glas grunting. Oh, no..They weren't... O, ne .. oni nisu bili ... DOING IT, were they? To rade, oni su bili? I had to see. Morao sam vidjeti. My heart in my mouth, I crept up to the door, and peeped in, doing my best not to be seen or heard... Moje srce u mojim ustima, ja gmizati do vrata, i proviri u, radiš moj najbolji to ne može vidjeti ili čuti ... And...THERE! I ... tamo! There was the sight I'd been dreading! Došlo je prizor bio bih dreading! Jim was stood, facing the window, standing over that big, old photocopier of Mandy's; with his pants down, and his hairy arse pumping back and forth! Jim je stajao okrenut prozoru, stoji preko toga veliki, stari fotokopirni uređaj u Mandy-a, s njegove hlače prema dolje, i njegov dlakav magarca pumpanje i nazad! And...Jayde's tight jeans and panties were draped on the chair at the desk; she'd took them off. I ... Jayde je uske traperice i gaćice su zamotan na stolicu na stol, ona bi ih skinula.
Plus.. Plus .. even worse...Jayde's bare legs were clamped around Jim's waist, and her hands came round his back, stroking and clawing at his starched white shirt. još gore ... Jayde je golim nogama su stegnute oko Jim je struka, a rukama je došao oko leđima, milovati i clawing na njegov ukrućen bijelu košulju. Yes...Jim was FUCKING JAYDE!! Da ... Jim je bio počitnicah JAYDE!
"Hoohh, Hooooh, Ohhhh!" "Hoohh, Hooooh, Ohhhh!" she cried, and giggled as well, as he humped her. ona je plakala, a giggled kao dobro, kao što joj humped. He'd sat Jayde on the photocopier and was fucking shagging her!! Bio bih sub Jayde na fotokopirni i bio je jebeni joj shagging! I shrank back, in utter shock, into the darkness, away to the kitchen, got some kitchen roll around my suddenly erect cock, and wanked desperately into it; hating Jim like anything, but I couldn't stop myself being unbearably aroused by the fact that beatiful, sexy, beloved Jayde was being a little tart; betraying me, betraying her hubby, and degrading herself by letting beardy, pervy old Jim between her legs! Ja smanjen natrag, u krajnjoj šok, u tamu, daleko u kuhinju, kuhinja je dobio neki svitak okolo moj iznenada uspravan penis, i očajnički wanked u njega, mrzeći Jim kao i sve, ali nisam mogao prestati sebe nepodnošljivo biti izazvan Činjenica da je lijepa, seksi, ljubljeni Jayde bio malo opor, me izdaju, izdaju njezin mužić, i sama ponižavajuće dopuštajući beardy, pervy stare Jim između nogu! Right there in Mandy's house, where I lived! Pravo tamo u Mandy kući, gdje sam živio! "So, That was the deal ,was it", I thought. "Dakle, to je bio posao, bila je to", pomislio sam.
She wouldn't shag me, because it'd be "unprofessional" [AHEM!], but she would shag a fucking beardy old perv like Jim?? Ona ne bi me shag, jer bih se "neprofesionalnog" [ahem!], Ali ona bi shag jebeni beardy stare perv kao što su Jim? It wasn't fair..Even though Mandy had said she wouldn't care if I did have a fling with her, Jayde still wouldn't treat me like she treated other men?? To nije bilo fer .. Iako je Mandy je rekla da ne bi stalo da sam imala baciti s njom, Jayde još uvijek ne bi me tretirati kao ona liječi druge ljude? It was sick, and I felt so hurt and angry, but it was so seedy and horny nevertheless, that I just had to try and accept it by enjoying my submissive position. To je bio bolestan, i osjećao sam se tako povrijediti i ljut, ali to je tako zlovoljan i uspaljen ipak, da sam samo morala probati i to prihvatiti za uživanje moje podređen položaj. So, I soon poured out my hot sperm into the tissue, while hearing Jim Shagging Jayde, and the noises they made echoing all round the bungalow! Dakle, ja uskoro izli moje vruće sperme u tkiva, dok je ročište Jim shagging Jayde, i buka su napravili odjek cijele bungalov!
"Hourgh, Ugh, Ourgh!" "Hourgh, Ugh, Ourgh!"
Oh, WHY? Oh, zašto? Why did she do this, when she was married anyway, and I wanted her so badly? Zašto je to, kad je bila u braku anyway, i ja sam joj htjela tako loše? Did her hubby know, or care? Da li joj mužić znaju, ili skrb? Were they swingers, even? Jesu li Swingers, čak? I didn't know, cause she wouldn't tell me. Ja ne znam, jer ona ne bi mi reći. Poor Paul! Loše Paul!
Then, I hid in the bedroom, peeping out through the gap in the door, and waiting till they went; but they didn't go, yet; there was more. Tada sam sakrio u spavaćoj sobi, peeping kroz rupu u vratima, i čeka dok ne ode, ali nisu otišli, a ipak, bilo je više. It was only half past three, and Jayde wasn't really due to go until five. To je bio tek pola četiri, a Jayde stvarno nije bilo zbog otići do pet godina. They started laughing again, and I heard them talking. Oni su počeli smijati opet, i ja sam čuo da ih pričaju. Jayde said, "I'll show you that CD, just hang on, Jim, mate." Jayde je rekao: "Ja ću vam pokazati da je CD, samo objesiti na, Jim, mate."
I saw Jayde come out, with her top rolled up, and the rest of her naked; and I felt a rush of intense desire, seeing her gorgeous body; her round, ripe little boobs with perfect nipples, and her dark triangle of pubes, and her horny little bubble bum, like a peach, as she went in the lounge and got something from her bag; and went back to Jim in the study. Ja Jayde vidio izaći sa svojom top smotati, a ostatak njenog golog, i osjećao sam navalu snažnu želju, gledajući svojim raskošnim tijelom, njezino okruglo, zrelih malo boobs sa savršenim bradavicama, i njezin tamni trokut pubes, i njezina rožnat malo bum balon, kao breskva, kao što je ona otišla u dnevni boravak i dobio nešto od nje torbu, i vratio se Jim u studiji. Soon, Jim began saying, "Corr, what a top woman you are, Jayde! Those pics are getting me hard again!" Uskoro, Jim počeo govoreći: "Corr, što top žena ste, Jayde! Te slike su sve mi je teško opet!"
I had to sneak out again, and have a look. Morao sam šunjati se opet, i imaju izgled. What was going on? Što se događa? Well, peeping in from the dark hall again, I now saw Jim was sat down at the computer again, with a great big erection. Pa, u peeping iz tamnog hodnika opet, ja sam sada vidio Jim je sjeo na računalu opet, s velikim velikim erekcije. Oh, fuck, his dick must have been 9 inches long, which was even bigger than my own which I was always proud of...and Jayde was crouching next to him, clicking the mouse and showing him a load of pics from a CD of hers. Oh, jebi, njegov penis mora da je 9 inča dug, koji je bio čak i veći nego moj vlastiti koje sam uvijek bila ponosna ... i Jayde je čučeći pored njega, klikom miša i pokazujući mu teret slike s CD-a njezini. Upoznavanje i druzenje
She was reachingwith her free hand to caress his knob now and again, as she showed him the pics... Bila je reachingwith joj slobodne ruke da miluju svoje gumb i sad opet, kako je pokazala mu slike ... "Oh, God"! "O, Bože!" I thought, when I glimpsed the pics on the screen. Mislio sam, kad sam glimpsed slike na zaslonu. The first ones I glimpsed showed Jayde dressed as a schoolgirl, at some biker rally or party she'd been to, and the revellers were all in fancy dress, messing about and doing silly things...but Jayde was having her BARE ARSE CANED! Prvima sam glimpsed Jayde pokazao odjeven kao učenica, na neki biciklist ili skupu stranke ona bi bila, i slavljenika su svi bili u fancy dress, messing oko i rade gluposti ... ali Jayde je da joj BARE ARSE CANED ! Yes..an old rocker dressed as a schoolmaster had her bent over, knickers down, and whacking his cane across her bare bottom! Da .. stari rocker, obučen kao učitelj ju je pognut, gaćice dolje, i krupan njegov štap preko golim dno! I was shocked and stunned, but oddly excited. Bio sam šokiran i zapanjen, ali neobično uzbuđen. It was just so strange and dirty for me to see, I couldn't help feeling highly aroused. To je bio samo tako čudno i prljave za mene da vidim, nisam mogao pomoći, osjećaj vrlo uzbuđena. In other pics, some bulldyke of a woman, among other people too, were licking at Jayde's bared tits, or fondling her bottom. U drugim slike, neke bulldyke od žena, među drugim ljudima također su lizanje na Jayde je proąla tits, ili milovanje njezina dna. The guys were stripping her off, showing her tits to the camera, and in one pic, two guys were even pulling her bumcheeks apart,and one guy had a feather tickling her arsehole! Dečki su bili stripping off joj, pokazujući joj tits na kameri, i slika u jednoj, dvije čak i dečki su povlačenjem njezine bumcheeks apart, i jedan tip je imao perje škakljanje joj šupkom!
Jim said, "So, do you take it up there then, Jayde?" Jim je rekao, "Dakle, da li ga uzeti tamo onda, Jayde?" She giggled, and said..Well,I have sometimes...not really though." Jim said, Well, how about if I let Mandy have the computer for half price... If you give up your little Bottom for the rude desires of this Dirty Old Man??" Ona giggled, i rekao .. Pa, ja sam ponekad ... zapravo ne ipak. "Jim je rekao, dobro, o tome kako ako sam neka Mandy imaju računalo za pola cijene ... Ako vam se vaš mali Dno za nepristojan želje ovog Dirty Old Man? "
He slapped her bum, making Jayde yelp and say, "No, I couldn't!" On je ošamario ju bum, što Jayde cviliti i reći: "Ne, ne bih mogao!" But Jim wrestled her down, over his knee, and began smacking her bum, to make her agree! No, Jim joj borio dolje, preko koljena i počeo smacking joj bum, kako bi joj se slažete! She was laughing, and yelping, as he held her down and really smacked her quivering bum hard, pausing to open it and look at her bumhole, before carrying on the spanking. Bila je smijeha, i yelping, kako je njezin održan dolje i stvarno smacked joj drhti bum teško, zaustavivši ga otvoriti i pogledati u nju bumhole, prije izvođenja na spanking. Jayde's sexy bare feet waved and flexed in the air, as her bare ickle bum got smacked! Jayde seksi bose noge mahali i savinuta u zraku, kao i njezin goli ickle bum dobio smacked! "Ooohhh! Owwww!" "Ooohhh! Owwww!" she went! je otišla!
I saw her fanny and arsehole, when he opened her bum... Vidio sam joj Fanny i šupkom, kada je otvorio ju bum ... her creased, broad, dark starfish, which I'd always wanted to see...along with her half shaven, sweet pussy mound. joj povećani, široka, tamna zvjezdača, koje bih uvijek želio vidjeti ... zajedno s njom polovine obrijana, slatka maca nasip. They were on view, but not for me.....Bastards! Oni su bili na pogled, ali ne za mene ..... Bastards!
He was going, "You will, you WILL! You WILL give me your bum, Jayde, won't you?"- [SMACK! On je bio idući: "Vi ćete, će vas! Će vam dati mi svoj bum, Jayde, neće?" - [SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!] WON'T YOU, JAYDE??" Eventually, she gave in! "Yes! SMACK!] ĆE SE NE, JAYDE? "Na kraju, ona je dala!" Da! Yes, I'll do it!" she went, "You know I will! Da, ja ću to učiniti! "Otišla je," Znaš ja ću! I just wanted to be spanked first! Samo sam htio biti spanked prvi! Hee hee hee!" Hee hee hee! "
Suddenly, Jayde got up again, and positioned herself at the computer, with Jim sitting behind her. Odjednom, Jayde ustao opet, i sama nalazi na računalu, s Jimom sjedi iza nje. She put some lube or something on to his cock, letting her fingers reach back and tease his shaft as they applied the coating of whatever it was. Stavila neki lubrikant ili nešto na njegov penis, ostavljajući joj prsti sežu i zafrkavati svoje osovine kao što su primijenjene premazivanje što god to bilo. Then, she bent forward, her arms reaching right back. Zatim, ona je savijena prema naprijed, ruke dostizanje pravo nazad. She grabbed her buttocks, and spread them wide, wide open; then she slowly settled herself with her bumhole touching the end of Jim's dick! Ona grabbed joj guza, i širiti ih široko, široko otvorena, a zatim je polako sama riješiti s njom bumhole dirljiv kraj Jim je kurac!
"Corr, yes!" "Corr, da!" Jim exclaimed, "Up your arse, Jayde, come on!" Jim uzviknuo, "up your ass, Jayde, hajde!"
She began wiggling her bum, down onto his dick; and she giggled,"Hee-hee-hee!" Ona je počela joj wiggling bum, dolje na njegov penis, a ona giggled "Hee-hee-hee!" as his big purple knob end just plumped inside her twitching brown bumhole! kao njegov veliki ljubičasto gumb kraju samo plumped unutar nje trzanje smeđe bumhole! [POP!] [POP!]
"Oh, no, Ohhh, no..", I thought, feeling sick but grabbing my crotch again in jealous excitement, as Jim sat there grinning and introducing his big veiny prick up the arse of the woman I adored! "Oh, ne, Ohhh, ne ..", pomislio sam, osjećaj bolesna, ali grabbing moje prepone opet ljubomoran uzbuđenja, kao i Jim tu sjedio cereći se i uvođenje njegove velike pun vena dižu dupe od žene sam obožavala! My heart was almost breaking to see this, but my cock throbbed so hard! Moje srce je gotovo razbijanje vidjeti to, ali moj penis throbbed tako teško! She soon had his shaft almost completely up her bum, and they began a slow, lewd movement, Jim sitting in the chair and Jayde crouching over him, slowly moving herself up and down. Ona je ubrzo imao vratilo gotovo u potpunosti joj guzica, i oni su počeli spor, nepristojan pokret, Jim sjedi u stolici i Jayde čučeći nad njim, sama polako kreće prema gore i prema dolje. You could see her bumhole being dragged slowly up his shaft when she began the upstrokes...and she carried on showing him the pics of the kinky things she'd done with others at wild parties etc, as he bummed her. Te mogao vidjeti njezin bumhole se povući polako se njegova osovina kad je počeo upstrokes ... i ona provedena na pokazujući mu slike od kinky stvari ona bi učinio s drugima na divljim priredbama i sl, kao što je bummed nju. How horrible it was for me, to see sweet, kind, caring Jayde, laughing as she took Jim's big horrible dick RIGHT UP HER SHITTER! Kako je bilo strašno za mene, da vidim slatko, vrste, brižan Jayde, smijući se kao ona je Jim je veliki strašno kurac PRAVO joj SHITTER!
She giggled and encouraged Jim, as he enjoyed her arse and ogled the dirty pics of her....His dick throbbed there like a nasty monster, and Jayde paying homage to his massive cock with her sweet ickle bum. Ona giggled i poticati Jim, kao što je on uživao magarca i ogled prljavi slike svoje .... Njegov kurac throbbed tamo kao gadan čudovište, i Jayde plaćati počast njegov masivni penis sa svojim slatkim ickle bum. Whenever a particularly rude pic came onscreen, Jim's cock would twitch, and the veins would show prominently for a sec, before Jayde crouched again, engulfing his manhood in her gorgeous, sacred shithole! Kad god osobito grub slika došao na zaslonu, Jim's penis bi se čupati, a vene će pokazati istaknut za sec, prije Jayde crouched opet, zapljuskuju svoju muževnost u svojim raskošnim, sveti shithole! He was going "Woarrgh, yehh! I knew I'd get you and your bum one day, Jayde!" On je bio ide "Woarrgh, yehh! Znala sam da bih vas i vaše bum jedan dan, Jayde!" and his hands roved over her body, often squeezing and pulling her tits, or spreading her arse to watch his own dick invading her bum, so adulterously and eagerly! i ruke roved cijelom tijelu, često cijeđenje i povlačenjem joj tits, ili šireći joj dupe gledati svoj penis invaziju joj bum, pa adulterously i željno!
The pics were shocking. Slike su bile šokantne. Some showed Jayde indulging in BDSM with people, tied to bondage frames and whipped, and nipple clamps and everything. Neki su pokazali Jayde indulging u BDSM-u sa ljudima, vezan za ropstvo okvira i tučeno, a bradavica stezaljke i sve. Another set showed her being gangbanged, really romped hard around a room by a group of guys, and spunked all over etc. The photos at the end of this set, showing her face in the centre of a circle of cocks, are still clear in my memory today. Drugi set pokazao joj se gangbanged, stvarno ludirao teško oko sobe skupina dečki i spunked sve više i sl. fotografija na kraju ovog skupa, te pokazuje svoje lice u središtu kruga slavine, još uvijek su jasno u moje pamćenje i danas. Still more showed her in lesbian spanking games with a gang of women, using canes, whips, belts and paddles, and all kinds of sex toys on each other. Još joj je pokazao u lezbijskim spanking igre s bande žena, koristeći čokot, bičevi, pojasevi i vesla, i sve vrste seksualne igračke jedni na druge.
I had to back away for a minute, to compose myself and try and stay quiet. Morao sam se vratiti daleko za minutu, za sebe sastaviti i pokušati ostati miran. When I looked again, I was just in time, to see Jim orgasm! Kada sam pogledao opet, bio sam samo na vrijeme, da vide Jim orgazam! He growled, "Corrr, Okay, Dirty Jayde, I'm just about to fill up your bottom!!" On growled "Corrr, U redu, Dirty Jayde, ja sam samo o tome kako napuniti dna!"
Jayde went "Oohhh!" Jayde otišao "Oohhh!" in glee, and looked at him over her shoulder, bucking her bum slightly up and down, and encouraged him, sticking her little witchy chin out and flashing her sexy eyes, saying "Ourgh, go on then, Do it Up My Arse!...Bloody Lovely, Mate!" u radost, i pogledao ga preko ramena, suprot joj guzica malo gore i dolje, i ohrabrio ga, držeći joj malo witchy brade van i treperi joj seksi oči, govoreći: "Ourgh, ići na onda, učinite to do moje Arse!. .. Bloody Lovely, Mate! "
And he did. I on učinio. Jim growled again, and his shaft pulsated, embedded right up Jayde's bum... Jim growled opet, i njegova osovina pulsira, ugrađen desno gore Jayde's bum ... and Jayde's sexy toes curled in pleasure on the study carpet! i Jayde seksi nogama sklupčana u užitak na studij tepih! Big dirty Jim was shooting out all his lust deep up her chocolate starfish, and Jayde actually encouraged this dirty old man to do it to her!! Veliki prljavi Jim je pucanje iz svih svojih požuda duboko joj čokolade zvjezdača, i Jayde zapravo poticao ovaj prljavi starac to učiniti s njom!
She smiled back at him, squeezing her bum tight on his dick, and she lustily said "Oooohhh, JAYDE RIDES AGAIN AND JAYDE'S ADDICTED!!!" Nasmiješila natrag na njega, cijeđenje joj guzica zbijeno na njegov kurac, a ona je oduševljeno rekao: "Oooohhh, JAYDE Rides Again I JAYDE'S ADDICTED!"
She slowly gyrated her arse around, milking out all his hot load into her bum, and his cock pulsed and throbbed, spurting it all up Jayde's bum!! Ona je polako gyrated joj dupe okolo, mužnja se sve njegove vruće opterećenja u njoj guzica, i njegov penis i pulsnog throbbed, škropljenje je sve gore Jayde je bum! At that, I just had to go, and slipped out into the dark garden outside again, and frantically wanked myself off in both misery and sexual ecstasy! U to, samo sam morao otići, i skliznuo se u tamno vrt van opet, i grčevito sam wanked off iu bijedi i seksualne ekstaze!
Soon,the bathroom light went on ,and I heard them in the shower, with Jayde still giggling as Jim did whatever other dirty things he did to her!!! Uskoro, kupatilo svjetlo je otišao na, i ja sam ih čuo u tuš, s Jayde još giggling Jim nije bilo druge prljave stvari on je učinio s njom!
I went the local pub,and calmed myself with a stiff drink [or five!] and only returned when they'd gone,after six o'clock. JA je otišao lokalni pub, i ja smirio s tvrd piće [ili pet!] I samo se vratio kad bi otišao, nakon što je šest.
Of course I couldn't tell Mandy what I'd seen; and she'd never believe me anyway. Naravno, ne bih mogao reći Mandy ono što sam vidio, a ona nikada ne bi vjeruj mi svejedno. CSS MCs strangely normal again...and Jayde always pretended nothing had happened,and played the sweet, respectable married carer ever after...at least until the next time I saw her "Being Naughty! CSS MC čudno normalno opet ... i Jayde uvijek pretvarali ništa nije dogodilo, a igrao slatko, ugledni oženjen njegovatelja ikad poslije ... barem do sljedećeg puta kada sam vidio "Biti nestasan decko za starije !
Being a guy with strong emotions and a highly sensual nature, I realised I was falling for her; but I could do nothing about it, as she was so closely involved with us. Biti čovjek s jakim emocijama i vrlo senzualne prirode, shvatio sam da je padao za nju, ali sam mogao učiniti ništa o tome, kao što je bila tako usko surađivala s nama. She suddenly stopped flirting with me, for no reason I ever discovered; and became much cooler; but by this time I was attached to her, and every meeting we had would put shudders of desire through me; and this situation began to hurt me, because she'd still be flirtatious with other blokes...workmen, people in Mandy's social circle, etc etc...Anyone, it seemed, except me. Ona je iznenada prestala, koketiranje sa mnom, bez ikakvog razloga sam ikada otkrio, a postao je puno hladnije, ali ovaj put sam bio vezan za nju, i svaki sastanak smo imali bi stavili tresu od želje kroz mene, i to stanje je počeo da me ne boli, jer ona još uvijek bih se koketni s ostalim Blokes ... radnika, ljudi u Mandy društveni krug, itd itd. .. Svatko, činilo se, osim mene. Dunno what I'd done to deserve these mind games. Pojma što bih učinio da zaslužujete ove umu igre. She'd even begun to watch my reaction as she flirted with other men, I could tell. Ona je čak bih počeo gledati moje reakcije kao što je koketirao s drugim ljudima, ja mogao reći. Then she'd ask subtle things to suss me out afterward, I could tell, to see what effect it had had on me. Onda ona bi pitati suptilne stvari koje mi suss van poslije, mogao sam reći, da vidi što je učinak imao na mene.
I soon also discovered she wasn't as genuine to me as she pretended, and the shock of discovering her slatings of me behind my back turned my world upside down. Uskoro sam također otkrila da je ne kao pravi za mene kao ona pretvarali, a šok otkrivanja njezina slatings od mene iza mojih leđa okrenuo moj svijet naopačke. I was torn to bits by it; and it caused such intense emotional turmoil for me I went on antidepressants. Bio sam rastrgan na komadiće tako da je, i to zbog takvih intenzivan emocionalni nemir za mene Otišla sam na antidepresivima. Perhaps, I've since wondered, was she a habitual teaser and control freak, and somehow got off on the power of her situation relative to me? Možda, jer sam se pitao, bio je uobičajen teaser i control freak, i nekako sišli na snagu njezine situacije u odnosu na mene? I dunno. Nemam pojma. But she never admitted anything to me...so she was a bone of contention to me for a couple of years afterward, and my memories of her cause even now starkly contrasted feelings of desire and deep lust, but also great anger, about the headgames that went on. Ali ona nikada nije priznala ništa mi ... tako je bila kamen spoticanja za mene za par godina kasnije, i moja sjećanja na nju uzrokovati čak i sada starkly suprotnosti osjećaje želje i duboka požuda, ali i veliki gnjev, o headgames da ode dalje. I think, after the eventual argument her behaviour caused, we'll never speak again, maybe her arrogance is too strong to let her apologise and make up; BUT..there's still several hot sexual memories she's left me with, about her...and this is the first major incident that happened. Mislim da, nakon eventualne argument njeno ponašanje uzrokovano, mi nikada ne ćemo govoriti opet, možda joj arogancija je previše jak da joj se ispričavam i make up, ali .. postoji još nekoliko vruće seksualne uspomene ona mi je s lijeve strane, o njoj .. . i ovo je prvi veliki incident koji se dogodio. If anyone out there has been in any similar strange and grotesque but somehow arousing situations in their life, I'd love to read of it, as I've become interested in the complexity of human relationships, and the mix of pain and pleasure that certain experiences can cause in people. Ako bilo tko vanjska strana ima je u svim sličnim čudnim i groteske, ali nekako uzbuđujuća situacije u svom životu, volio bih čitati o tome, kao što sam postala zainteresirana za kompleksnost ljudskih odnosa, a mješavina boli i užitka koji određena iskustva može izazvati kod ljudi. Anyway, Mandy needed a new computer after a couple of months. U svakom slučaju, Mandy je potrebno novo računalo nakon par mjeseci. So, Jayde got Jim in, a PC tech, [who worked with her company's computers, and was supposed to be good], to get one and set it up for her. Dakle, Jayde dobio Jim u, PC tech, [koji je radio s njom računala tvrtke, i trebao je biti dobra], da bi dobili jedan i postavi ga za nju.
Me, Jayde and Mandy were playing scrabble in the lounge when Jim first turned up at Mandy's house, and he immediately started flirting with Jayde.. Me, Jayde i Mandy bili igranje grebati u dnevnom boravku kada su Jim prvi pretvorila se u Mandy kući, te je odmah počeo koketiranje s Jayde .. suggestive banter and innuendo, which she giggled at, wrinkling her nose like a schoolgirl. sugestivan šala i aluzije, što je ona na giggled, bora joj nos kao učenica. I tried to stop it unsettling me and making me wish I was Jim, getting Jayde's attention in that way.. Pokušao sam zaustaviti to mi je uznemirujuće i što mi je želja bila sam Jim, uzimajući Jayde pozornost na taj način .. but I couldn't help feeling jealous, which I hid as best I could. ali ja ne mogu pomoći osjećaj ljubomoran, koje sam skrivao kao najbolje što sam mogao. Maybe Jayde guessed and enjoyed that, I dunno. Možda Jayde pogađate i uživao u tome, I dunno.
It was the first time I saw her bare feet, too, stranglely enough, when Jim turned up. To je bio prvi put da sam vidio gole noge, također, stranglely dovoljno, kada Jim okrenut gore. [I have a deep fetish for women's feet.] She slipped off her socks after she'd let Jim in, and as she padded around the carpets, getting things for him and showing him into the study, I saw they were gorgeous. [Ja sam duboko fetiš za ženske noge.] Ona je skliznuo off joj čarape nakon što bi neka Jim u, kao i ona podložena oko tepiha, uzimajući stvari za njega i da ga prikazuje u studiju, vidio sam da su prekrasna. My heart was lost to her totally, the moment I saw her shapely feet, with her toerings and ankleband - the most gorgeous little feet I've ever seen. Moje srce je izgubljena joj potpuno, trenutak kada sam vidio simetričan noge, s njom toerings i ankleband - raskošnih malo noge sam ikada vidio. I dunno whether Jayde knew about my secret fetishes, but I knew she'd at least once looked at my websurfing history... Nemam pojma da li Jayde znao moja tajna fetiša, ali znala sam da bih barem jednom pogledao moj websurfing povijest ... and I visited mainly hotwife sites, wife-story sites and foot fetish sites. i posjetio sam uglavnom hotwife stranice, supruga priča mjesta i stopala fetiš sučelja. I dunno if she meant to be teasing me.. Nemam pojma, ako je značilo da se mi dosadan .. .but she was playing up to Jim,too, and flirting back to him, and letting us see her pattering up the loft-ladder in bare feet, and loudly giggling at his suggestive, dirty remarks to her, in front of me and Mandy. . Ali ona je bila igra do Jim, također, i koketiranje natrag k njemu, i što ste nas vidjeti njezine pattering gore u potkrovlju-ljestve na bose noge, i glasno giggling na njegov sugestivan, prljave primjedbe na nju, ispred mene i Mandy .
When I brought Jim and Jayde some coffee in the study, Jim was sat working at the computer, showing her things on it ,etc; and she was knelt down by him, resting her arms up on the desk..and of course, Jim had a good eyeful of her firm cleavage in that position; he could see down her top! Kad sam donio Jim i Jayde kavu u studiju, Jim je bio sub radi na računalu, prikazuje joj stvari na njemu itd, a ona je kleknuo do njega, odmara ruke gore na stol .. i naravno, Jim imao je dobar eyeful za svoju tvrtku cijepanja na toj poziciji, a on je mogao vidjeti dolje joj vrh! She pretended to be all businesslike and normal, but I knew what they were doing.. Ona se pretvarao da sve poslovan i normalno, ali sam znao što su radili .. and I saw the worry on Mandy's face too. i vidio sam brinuti o Mandy lice previše. After a while, it was time for me and Mandy to go out for the afternoon. Nakon nekog vremena, bilo je vrijeme za mene i Mandy izaći za poslijepodne. Jayde had arranged beforehand to stay with Jim and lock up the house when it was her clocking-off time. Jayde je, u dogovoru unaprijed da ostane s Jim i zaključati se u kuću kada je njezin zabilježivši-off vrijeme. I and Mandy wouldn't be back until the evening; and it so irked me to leave her alone with Jim, who obviously would love to have his wicked way with her. Ja i Mandy ne bi se vratiti do večeri, i to tako da mi uznemireni da joj ostaviti nasamo s Jim, koji očito će hatar to imati svoj opaki način s njom. But I had to go, Mandy expected me to. Ali ja sam morao ići, Mandy me očekuje. However, when we got to the cinema, I couldn't relax, wondering what was going on back home. Međutim, kada smo u kino, nisam mogla opustiti, pitajući se što se događa na povratak kući. By chance, Mandy bumped into a friend of hers, and I was able to make a feeble excuse to leave them to chat, and go "for a drink" on my own, and see Mandy back home later. Slučajno, Mandy nabasao na njen prijatelj, a ja sam bio u mogućnosti to učiniti slab izgovor da ih ostaviti na chat, i ići "za piće" na svoje, i pogledajte Mandy kući kasnije. But I didn't go the pub, at all. Ali ja ne ići u pub, uopće. I raced away and jumped in a cab, and told him to take me straight back home! Ja vozio daleko i skočio u kabini, i rekao mu da me odvesti ravno natrag kući! I had to know. Morao sam znati. Even if I could just peep... Čak i ako sam mogao samo proviriti ... poznanstva sa starijim zenama za jednu noc
The curtains were all shut when I got home, and the house was dark, but the study light was on. Zavjese su svi bili zatvorena kad sam doma, i kuća je bila tamna, ali je bio na studiju svjetlo. I sneaked around the back, carefully put my key in the back kitchen door, and sloped into the kitchen. Ja iskrao oko leđa, pažljivo stavio ključ u leđa fronti za kuhinje, i nagnut u kuhinju. They were obviously still in the little study.. Oni su očito još uvijek u malo istraživanje .. and creeping round the door into the hall, I saw the study door was slightly open, and light was streaming through, into the dark hall. i puzanje oko vrata u hodnik, vidio sam studije vrata bila malo otvorena, a svjetlo je struji kroz, u mračnu dvoranu. And...voices. I glasovi .... Jayde's voice, and Jim's voice. Jayde glas, i Jim glas. Jayde's voice was squeaking and sighing, and Jim's voice grunting. Jayde je glas bio squeaking i uzdišući, a Jim je glas grunting. Oh, no..They weren't... O, ne .. oni nisu bili ... DOING IT, were they? To rade, oni su bili? I had to see. Morao sam vidjeti. My heart in my mouth, I crept up to the door, and peeped in, doing my best not to be seen or heard... Moje srce u mojim ustima, ja gmizati do vrata, i proviri u, radiš moj najbolji to ne može vidjeti ili čuti ... And...THERE! I ... tamo! There was the sight I'd been dreading! Došlo je prizor bio bih dreading! Jim was stood, facing the window, standing over that big, old photocopier of Mandy's; with his pants down, and his hairy arse pumping back and forth! Jim je stajao okrenut prozoru, stoji preko toga veliki, stari fotokopirni uređaj u Mandy-a, s njegove hlače prema dolje, i njegov dlakav magarca pumpanje i nazad! And...Jayde's tight jeans and panties were draped on the chair at the desk; she'd took them off. I ... Jayde je uske traperice i gaćice su zamotan na stolicu na stol, ona bi ih skinula.
Plus.. Plus .. even worse...Jayde's bare legs were clamped around Jim's waist, and her hands came round his back, stroking and clawing at his starched white shirt. još gore ... Jayde je golim nogama su stegnute oko Jim je struka, a rukama je došao oko leđima, milovati i clawing na njegov ukrućen bijelu košulju. Yes...Jim was FUCKING JAYDE!! Da ... Jim je bio počitnicah JAYDE!
"Hoohh, Hooooh, Ohhhh!" "Hoohh, Hooooh, Ohhhh!" she cried, and giggled as well, as he humped her. ona je plakala, a giggled kao dobro, kao što joj humped. He'd sat Jayde on the photocopier and was fucking shagging her!! Bio bih sub Jayde na fotokopirni i bio je jebeni joj shagging! I shrank back, in utter shock, into the darkness, away to the kitchen, got some kitchen roll around my suddenly erect cock, and wanked desperately into it; hating Jim like anything, but I couldn't stop myself being unbearably aroused by the fact that beatiful, sexy, beloved Jayde was being a little tart; betraying me, betraying her hubby, and degrading herself by letting beardy, pervy old Jim between her legs! Ja smanjen natrag, u krajnjoj šok, u tamu, daleko u kuhinju, kuhinja je dobio neki svitak okolo moj iznenada uspravan penis, i očajnički wanked u njega, mrzeći Jim kao i sve, ali nisam mogao prestati sebe nepodnošljivo biti izazvan Činjenica da je lijepa, seksi, ljubljeni Jayde bio malo opor, me izdaju, izdaju njezin mužić, i sama ponižavajuće dopuštajući beardy, pervy stare Jim između nogu! Right there in Mandy's house, where I lived! Pravo tamo u Mandy kući, gdje sam živio! "So, That was the deal ,was it", I thought. "Dakle, to je bio posao, bila je to", pomislio sam.
She wouldn't shag me, because it'd be "unprofessional" [AHEM!], but she would shag a fucking beardy old perv like Jim?? Ona ne bi me shag, jer bih se "neprofesionalnog" [ahem!], Ali ona bi shag jebeni beardy stare perv kao što su Jim? It wasn't fair..Even though Mandy had said she wouldn't care if I did have a fling with her, Jayde still wouldn't treat me like she treated other men?? To nije bilo fer .. Iako je Mandy je rekla da ne bi stalo da sam imala baciti s njom, Jayde još uvijek ne bi me tretirati kao ona liječi druge ljude? It was sick, and I felt so hurt and angry, but it was so seedy and horny nevertheless, that I just had to try and accept it by enjoying my submissive position. To je bio bolestan, i osjećao sam se tako povrijediti i ljut, ali to je tako zlovoljan i uspaljen ipak, da sam samo morala probati i to prihvatiti za uživanje moje podređen položaj. So, I soon poured out my hot sperm into the tissue, while hearing Jim Shagging Jayde, and the noises they made echoing all round the bungalow! Dakle, ja uskoro izli moje vruće sperme u tkiva, dok je ročište Jim shagging Jayde, i buka su napravili odjek cijele bungalov!
"Hourgh, Ugh, Ourgh!" "Hourgh, Ugh, Ourgh!"
Oh, WHY? Oh, zašto? Why did she do this, when she was married anyway, and I wanted her so badly? Zašto je to, kad je bila u braku anyway, i ja sam joj htjela tako loše? Did her hubby know, or care? Da li joj mužić znaju, ili skrb? Were they swingers, even? Jesu li Swingers, čak? I didn't know, cause she wouldn't tell me. Ja ne znam, jer ona ne bi mi reći. Poor Paul! Loše Paul!
Then, I hid in the bedroom, peeping out through the gap in the door, and waiting till they went; but they didn't go, yet; there was more. Tada sam sakrio u spavaćoj sobi, peeping kroz rupu u vratima, i čeka dok ne ode, ali nisu otišli, a ipak, bilo je više. It was only half past three, and Jayde wasn't really due to go until five. To je bio tek pola četiri, a Jayde stvarno nije bilo zbog otići do pet godina. They started laughing again, and I heard them talking. Oni su počeli smijati opet, i ja sam čuo da ih pričaju. Jayde said, "I'll show you that CD, just hang on, Jim, mate." Jayde je rekao: "Ja ću vam pokazati da je CD, samo objesiti na, Jim, mate."
I saw Jayde come out, with her top rolled up, and the rest of her naked; and I felt a rush of intense desire, seeing her gorgeous body; her round, ripe little boobs with perfect nipples, and her dark triangle of pubes, and her horny little bubble bum, like a peach, as she went in the lounge and got something from her bag; and went back to Jim in the study. Ja Jayde vidio izaći sa svojom top smotati, a ostatak njenog golog, i osjećao sam navalu snažnu želju, gledajući svojim raskošnim tijelom, njezino okruglo, zrelih malo boobs sa savršenim bradavicama, i njezin tamni trokut pubes, i njezina rožnat malo bum balon, kao breskva, kao što je ona otišla u dnevni boravak i dobio nešto od nje torbu, i vratio se Jim u studiji. Soon, Jim began saying, "Corr, what a top woman you are, Jayde! Those pics are getting me hard again!" Uskoro, Jim počeo govoreći: "Corr, što top žena ste, Jayde! Te slike su sve mi je teško opet!"
I had to sneak out again, and have a look. Morao sam šunjati se opet, i imaju izgled. What was going on? Što se događa? Well, peeping in from the dark hall again, I now saw Jim was sat down at the computer again, with a great big erection. Pa, u peeping iz tamnog hodnika opet, ja sam sada vidio Jim je sjeo na računalu opet, s velikim velikim erekcije. Oh, fuck, his dick must have been 9 inches long, which was even bigger than my own which I was always proud of...and Jayde was crouching next to him, clicking the mouse and showing him a load of pics from a CD of hers. Oh, jebi, njegov penis mora da je 9 inča dug, koji je bio čak i veći nego moj vlastiti koje sam uvijek bila ponosna ... i Jayde je čučeći pored njega, klikom miša i pokazujući mu teret slike s CD-a njezini. Upoznavanje i druzenje
She was reachingwith her free hand to caress his knob now and again, as she showed him the pics... Bila je reachingwith joj slobodne ruke da miluju svoje gumb i sad opet, kako je pokazala mu slike ... "Oh, God"! "O, Bože!" I thought, when I glimpsed the pics on the screen. Mislio sam, kad sam glimpsed slike na zaslonu. The first ones I glimpsed showed Jayde dressed as a schoolgirl, at some biker rally or party she'd been to, and the revellers were all in fancy dress, messing about and doing silly things...but Jayde was having her BARE ARSE CANED! Prvima sam glimpsed Jayde pokazao odjeven kao učenica, na neki biciklist ili skupu stranke ona bi bila, i slavljenika su svi bili u fancy dress, messing oko i rade gluposti ... ali Jayde je da joj BARE ARSE CANED ! Yes..an old rocker dressed as a schoolmaster had her bent over, knickers down, and whacking his cane across her bare bottom! Da .. stari rocker, obučen kao učitelj ju je pognut, gaćice dolje, i krupan njegov štap preko golim dno! I was shocked and stunned, but oddly excited. Bio sam šokiran i zapanjen, ali neobično uzbuđen. It was just so strange and dirty for me to see, I couldn't help feeling highly aroused. To je bio samo tako čudno i prljave za mene da vidim, nisam mogao pomoći, osjećaj vrlo uzbuđena. In other pics, some bulldyke of a woman, among other people too, were licking at Jayde's bared tits, or fondling her bottom. U drugim slike, neke bulldyke od žena, među drugim ljudima također su lizanje na Jayde je proąla tits, ili milovanje njezina dna. The guys were stripping her off, showing her tits to the camera, and in one pic, two guys were even pulling her bumcheeks apart,and one guy had a feather tickling her arsehole! Dečki su bili stripping off joj, pokazujući joj tits na kameri, i slika u jednoj, dvije čak i dečki su povlačenjem njezine bumcheeks apart, i jedan tip je imao perje škakljanje joj šupkom!
Jim said, "So, do you take it up there then, Jayde?" Jim je rekao, "Dakle, da li ga uzeti tamo onda, Jayde?" She giggled, and said..Well,I have sometimes...not really though." Jim said, Well, how about if I let Mandy have the computer for half price... If you give up your little Bottom for the rude desires of this Dirty Old Man??" Ona giggled, i rekao .. Pa, ja sam ponekad ... zapravo ne ipak. "Jim je rekao, dobro, o tome kako ako sam neka Mandy imaju računalo za pola cijene ... Ako vam se vaš mali Dno za nepristojan želje ovog Dirty Old Man? "
He slapped her bum, making Jayde yelp and say, "No, I couldn't!" On je ošamario ju bum, što Jayde cviliti i reći: "Ne, ne bih mogao!" But Jim wrestled her down, over his knee, and began smacking her bum, to make her agree! No, Jim joj borio dolje, preko koljena i počeo smacking joj bum, kako bi joj se slažete! She was laughing, and yelping, as he held her down and really smacked her quivering bum hard, pausing to open it and look at her bumhole, before carrying on the spanking. Bila je smijeha, i yelping, kako je njezin održan dolje i stvarno smacked joj drhti bum teško, zaustavivši ga otvoriti i pogledati u nju bumhole, prije izvođenja na spanking. Jayde's sexy bare feet waved and flexed in the air, as her bare ickle bum got smacked! Jayde seksi bose noge mahali i savinuta u zraku, kao i njezin goli ickle bum dobio smacked! "Ooohhh! Owwww!" "Ooohhh! Owwww!" she went! je otišla!
I saw her fanny and arsehole, when he opened her bum... Vidio sam joj Fanny i šupkom, kada je otvorio ju bum ... her creased, broad, dark starfish, which I'd always wanted to see...along with her half shaven, sweet pussy mound. joj povećani, široka, tamna zvjezdača, koje bih uvijek želio vidjeti ... zajedno s njom polovine obrijana, slatka maca nasip. They were on view, but not for me.....Bastards! Oni su bili na pogled, ali ne za mene ..... Bastards!
He was going, "You will, you WILL! You WILL give me your bum, Jayde, won't you?"- [SMACK! On je bio idući: "Vi ćete, će vas! Će vam dati mi svoj bum, Jayde, neće?" - [SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!] WON'T YOU, JAYDE??" Eventually, she gave in! "Yes! SMACK!] ĆE SE NE, JAYDE? "Na kraju, ona je dala!" Da! Yes, I'll do it!" she went, "You know I will! Da, ja ću to učiniti! "Otišla je," Znaš ja ću! I just wanted to be spanked first! Samo sam htio biti spanked prvi! Hee hee hee!" Hee hee hee! "
Suddenly, Jayde got up again, and positioned herself at the computer, with Jim sitting behind her. Odjednom, Jayde ustao opet, i sama nalazi na računalu, s Jimom sjedi iza nje. She put some lube or something on to his cock, letting her fingers reach back and tease his shaft as they applied the coating of whatever it was. Stavila neki lubrikant ili nešto na njegov penis, ostavljajući joj prsti sežu i zafrkavati svoje osovine kao što su primijenjene premazivanje što god to bilo. Then, she bent forward, her arms reaching right back. Zatim, ona je savijena prema naprijed, ruke dostizanje pravo nazad. She grabbed her buttocks, and spread them wide, wide open; then she slowly settled herself with her bumhole touching the end of Jim's dick! Ona grabbed joj guza, i širiti ih široko, široko otvorena, a zatim je polako sama riješiti s njom bumhole dirljiv kraj Jim je kurac!
"Corr, yes!" "Corr, da!" Jim exclaimed, "Up your arse, Jayde, come on!" Jim uzviknuo, "up your ass, Jayde, hajde!"
She began wiggling her bum, down onto his dick; and she giggled,"Hee-hee-hee!" Ona je počela joj wiggling bum, dolje na njegov penis, a ona giggled "Hee-hee-hee!" as his big purple knob end just plumped inside her twitching brown bumhole! kao njegov veliki ljubičasto gumb kraju samo plumped unutar nje trzanje smeđe bumhole! [POP!] [POP!]
"Oh, no, Ohhh, no..", I thought, feeling sick but grabbing my crotch again in jealous excitement, as Jim sat there grinning and introducing his big veiny prick up the arse of the woman I adored! "Oh, ne, Ohhh, ne ..", pomislio sam, osjećaj bolesna, ali grabbing moje prepone opet ljubomoran uzbuđenja, kao i Jim tu sjedio cereći se i uvođenje njegove velike pun vena dižu dupe od žene sam obožavala! My heart was almost breaking to see this, but my cock throbbed so hard! Moje srce je gotovo razbijanje vidjeti to, ali moj penis throbbed tako teško! She soon had his shaft almost completely up her bum, and they began a slow, lewd movement, Jim sitting in the chair and Jayde crouching over him, slowly moving herself up and down. Ona je ubrzo imao vratilo gotovo u potpunosti joj guzica, i oni su počeli spor, nepristojan pokret, Jim sjedi u stolici i Jayde čučeći nad njim, sama polako kreće prema gore i prema dolje. You could see her bumhole being dragged slowly up his shaft when she began the upstrokes...and she carried on showing him the pics of the kinky things she'd done with others at wild parties etc, as he bummed her. Te mogao vidjeti njezin bumhole se povući polako se njegova osovina kad je počeo upstrokes ... i ona provedena na pokazujući mu slike od kinky stvari ona bi učinio s drugima na divljim priredbama i sl, kao što je bummed nju. How horrible it was for me, to see sweet, kind, caring Jayde, laughing as she took Jim's big horrible dick RIGHT UP HER SHITTER! Kako je bilo strašno za mene, da vidim slatko, vrste, brižan Jayde, smijući se kao ona je Jim je veliki strašno kurac PRAVO joj SHITTER!
She giggled and encouraged Jim, as he enjoyed her arse and ogled the dirty pics of her....His dick throbbed there like a nasty monster, and Jayde paying homage to his massive cock with her sweet ickle bum. Ona giggled i poticati Jim, kao što je on uživao magarca i ogled prljavi slike svoje .... Njegov kurac throbbed tamo kao gadan čudovište, i Jayde plaćati počast njegov masivni penis sa svojim slatkim ickle bum. Whenever a particularly rude pic came onscreen, Jim's cock would twitch, and the veins would show prominently for a sec, before Jayde crouched again, engulfing his manhood in her gorgeous, sacred shithole! Kad god osobito grub slika došao na zaslonu, Jim's penis bi se čupati, a vene će pokazati istaknut za sec, prije Jayde crouched opet, zapljuskuju svoju muževnost u svojim raskošnim, sveti shithole! He was going "Woarrgh, yehh! I knew I'd get you and your bum one day, Jayde!" On je bio ide "Woarrgh, yehh! Znala sam da bih vas i vaše bum jedan dan, Jayde!" and his hands roved over her body, often squeezing and pulling her tits, or spreading her arse to watch his own dick invading her bum, so adulterously and eagerly! i ruke roved cijelom tijelu, često cijeđenje i povlačenjem joj tits, ili šireći joj dupe gledati svoj penis invaziju joj bum, pa adulterously i željno!
The pics were shocking. Slike su bile šokantne. Some showed Jayde indulging in BDSM with people, tied to bondage frames and whipped, and nipple clamps and everything. Neki su pokazali Jayde indulging u BDSM-u sa ljudima, vezan za ropstvo okvira i tučeno, a bradavica stezaljke i sve. Another set showed her being gangbanged, really romped hard around a room by a group of guys, and spunked all over etc. The photos at the end of this set, showing her face in the centre of a circle of cocks, are still clear in my memory today. Drugi set pokazao joj se gangbanged, stvarno ludirao teško oko sobe skupina dečki i spunked sve više i sl. fotografija na kraju ovog skupa, te pokazuje svoje lice u središtu kruga slavine, još uvijek su jasno u moje pamćenje i danas. Still more showed her in lesbian spanking games with a gang of women, using canes, whips, belts and paddles, and all kinds of sex toys on each other. Još joj je pokazao u lezbijskim spanking igre s bande žena, koristeći čokot, bičevi, pojasevi i vesla, i sve vrste seksualne igračke jedni na druge.
I had to back away for a minute, to compose myself and try and stay quiet. Morao sam se vratiti daleko za minutu, za sebe sastaviti i pokušati ostati miran. When I looked again, I was just in time, to see Jim orgasm! Kada sam pogledao opet, bio sam samo na vrijeme, da vide Jim orgazam! He growled, "Corrr, Okay, Dirty Jayde, I'm just about to fill up your bottom!!" On growled "Corrr, U redu, Dirty Jayde, ja sam samo o tome kako napuniti dna!"
Jayde went "Oohhh!" Jayde otišao "Oohhh!" in glee, and looked at him over her shoulder, bucking her bum slightly up and down, and encouraged him, sticking her little witchy chin out and flashing her sexy eyes, saying "Ourgh, go on then, Do it Up My Arse!...Bloody Lovely, Mate!" u radost, i pogledao ga preko ramena, suprot joj guzica malo gore i dolje, i ohrabrio ga, držeći joj malo witchy brade van i treperi joj seksi oči, govoreći: "Ourgh, ići na onda, učinite to do moje Arse!. .. Bloody Lovely, Mate! "
And he did. I on učinio. Jim growled again, and his shaft pulsated, embedded right up Jayde's bum... Jim growled opet, i njegova osovina pulsira, ugrađen desno gore Jayde's bum ... and Jayde's sexy toes curled in pleasure on the study carpet! i Jayde seksi nogama sklupčana u užitak na studij tepih! Big dirty Jim was shooting out all his lust deep up her chocolate starfish, and Jayde actually encouraged this dirty old man to do it to her!! Veliki prljavi Jim je pucanje iz svih svojih požuda duboko joj čokolade zvjezdača, i Jayde zapravo poticao ovaj prljavi starac to učiniti s njom!
She smiled back at him, squeezing her bum tight on his dick, and she lustily said "Oooohhh, JAYDE RIDES AGAIN AND JAYDE'S ADDICTED!!!" Nasmiješila natrag na njega, cijeđenje joj guzica zbijeno na njegov kurac, a ona je oduševljeno rekao: "Oooohhh, JAYDE Rides Again I JAYDE'S ADDICTED!"
She slowly gyrated her arse around, milking out all his hot load into her bum, and his cock pulsed and throbbed, spurting it all up Jayde's bum!! Ona je polako gyrated joj dupe okolo, mužnja se sve njegove vruće opterećenja u njoj guzica, i njegov penis i pulsnog throbbed, škropljenje je sve gore Jayde je bum! At that, I just had to go, and slipped out into the dark garden outside again, and frantically wanked myself off in both misery and sexual ecstasy! U to, samo sam morao otići, i skliznuo se u tamno vrt van opet, i grčevito sam wanked off iu bijedi i seksualne ekstaze!
Soon,the bathroom light went on ,and I heard them in the shower, with Jayde still giggling as Jim did whatever other dirty things he did to her!!! Uskoro, kupatilo svjetlo je otišao na, i ja sam ih čuo u tuš, s Jayde još giggling Jim nije bilo druge prljave stvari on je učinio s njom!
I went the local pub,and calmed myself with a stiff drink [or five!] and only returned when they'd gone,after six o'clock. JA je otišao lokalni pub, i ja smirio s tvrd piće [ili pet!] I samo se vratio kad bi otišao, nakon što je šest.
Of course I couldn't tell Mandy what I'd seen; and she'd never believe me anyway. Naravno, ne bih mogao reći Mandy ono što sam vidio, a ona nikada ne bi vjeruj mi svejedno. CSS MCs strangely normal again...and Jayde always pretended nothing had happened,and played the sweet, respectable married carer ever after...at least until the next time I saw her "Being Naughty! CSS MC čudno normalno opet ... i Jayde uvijek pretvarali ništa nije dogodilo, a igrao slatko, ugledni oženjen njegovatelja ikad poslije ... barem do sljedećeg puta kada sam vidio "Biti nestasan decko za starije !
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